The pile of shredded paper is about seven feet high when mounded in the center of the room. While working on the boxes yesterday (behind the mound where I was often unobserved) I could overhear the comments of students walking by at the end of the day. "What is it?," "Sick" (is that good?), "What's going on here?," "Wow," but most often the words, "I just want to jump in."
Even with the door open, people are clustering in the doorway, not crossing the threshold. Even with Mr. Lack and myself saying, "Go ahead, jump in" there is a lot of hesitancy.
One student observed, "But if I jump into it, it will never be the same again."
The mountain of paper shreads is impressive indeed. However, I am even more impressed by the way the class has banded together to create a truly unique expression.
Most people aren't used to being able to interact with art, they're used to the "Please Don't Touch" signs and ropes at the museums. Also, a lot of my friends have been asking when it'll be open for real.
And yes, "sick" is good.
Nice web page.
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